Harvest Praise Church
Monday, December 02, 2024
This is the Place You've Been Hearing About!


Mission Statement:

The mission of Harvest Praise Church's Children's Ministry is to  lead our children to an understanding of the Word of God through a nurturing environment where positive role models are present and the love of God is exhibited.  It is our goal to foster the growth of our children in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord so they may be able to apply Biblical principles and truths to their lives, enabling them to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.


Program Highlights

 Children's Church  classes for grades K-2 and for grades 3-5 meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. Here, children learn the application of Bible truths to their lives. They may race against Fast Freddie to say a memory verse or laugh at the antics of Rovercomer, the Faith Dog. Coming to church and learning about God is fun!



Our children's ministry uses illustrated sermons, puppets, video segments, and other colorful characters to teach Bible truths.              


  • Praise Pals meet on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM for ages 4-12. There is multimedia praise and worship, Bible stories, and time for games and fellowship.
  • KinderChurch meets every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM for ages 3-5. Lessons are taught with puppets, crafts, and movement activities.
  • A nursery is provided for each service.
  • Vacation Bible School is held each year for ages 3-19